Sunday, 17 June 2012

Socio-Administrative-Economic Activities of State
Dr Balraj  Bishnoi
In broad Economic activities need to flow & engage principles of Decentralization, Devolution and Decentralization specifically. States need not to regulate but give more autonomy to the commercial partner as seen in Rajasthan Government signing MOU with an energy sector company of Scotland in oil & natural gas & JETRO etc.
Presently India  pretends in a flux of multi-flexibility to state’s control over economy with increasing fiscal deficit, under state’s control and problem in productivity but success of flagship schemes like Mnrega for rural development & amendment to provide participatory autonomy to cooperatives etc proves a relief strategically. Division of Labor relates directly to production but due to non specialized labour including qualified specialist lead such schemes and negativity against ARC 1 recommendation such as generalist officers appointed as Block Development Coordinators etc from non specialized nature of work. Result is directly, less productive nature relates to less specialization directly. Question is how to correlate power & economic development with direction via political action.
Expectation with logical positivism is need of the hour adopting flexible nature of tariffs, reduction in redtapism & favoritism for particular area & person and emphasis on industrial establishment along with debureaucratization and democratism as public choice approach following principles of public administration on the lines of social equity & change along with value-ridden society. In broad Economic activities need to flow & engage principles of Decentralization, Devolution and Decentralization specifically. States need not to regulate but give more autonomy to the commercial partner as seen in Rajasthan Government signing MOU with energy sector company of Scotland in oil & natural gas & reliance power etc and performing work at Barmer, Jaisalmer and in Auto sector collaboration with Japanese cooperation at Khuskheda (Bhiwadi) for Honda cial’s car production unit  & Japanese park at neemrana (alwar)  having MOU with JETRO for MNCs i.e. mitsui, mitsubisi etc includes 31 japanese companies. . Such steps by state of RAJASTHAN Government can be role model in case of reallocation of power for society’s welfare economics involving fundamental of lassaize fare.
 Needfull mechanism to control misuse of decentralized & devolution of power :
 a) State policy is to reregulate economic agent by means of depolitalization as principal governing formulae for creating legalized moral attitude as part governing policy for fair results.                                                                                                                                                b) Licenses & MOU with company engaged in self-interest should be cancelled immediately and avoid favoritism to concerned enterprises.
c) State need to be watchdog for economic power assumed by private sectors as well as maintain positive relations & compel private investors to follow principle of welfare economics and follow assumption of service by economic forces / enterprises towards society without regionalism.
 d) Tendency of disintegration /entropy need to be control by reinforcement conditioning of economic functions & development of society on priority scale.